History of the Inn
We visited this property in 1989 and fell in love. So much so that we talked the former owners into selling it.
As owners and caretakers now for 20 years, we are so thankful to have discovered the beauty that each season brings. We cherish the changes as the lake brings new wildlife and ever scenic views.
The Homestead Inn is a 4,700-square foot 200 year-old farm-home built in multiple stages.

Construction of the original 2-story log cabin was initiated by Captain William Ross for his bride.
Early 1800's
First addition included the hallway and two bedrooms.
Second addition included the living room, innkeeper bedroom and front porch.
Ownership changed to the Jennings. The back and kitchen hallway, and back porch were added at this time. The Jennings Family used to take in summer boarders as the popularity of the area grew.
Claytor Lake was formed, and the river slowed in front of the property. Claytor Lake is formed by a Hyro-electric dam and is 21 miles long.
Ownership change to Doc Brown House. Water was added off the in keeper's room. The chandelier came from a mansion in Chicago and was made by a French designer. The doctor even even saw patients here.
Home first used as an Inn.
Managed by the Thomas Family who lived on the property and managed the business.
Ownership changes to Diane Whitehead and Jane Clary, the current inkeepers.
Celebrating 20 years of ownership with continued improvements and happy, repeat clients.